
Time for a Kenzo's must-have New SS 13's sunglasses


Time for a Kenzo's must-have

New SS 13's sunglasses

Here the super Kenzo's new-entry: SS 13's sunglasses!

H-Bday The Icon.



The Icon.

Happy B-day to our Mentor http://www.ashadedviewonfashion.com/

LifeStraw for Adventurers Water filter


LifeStraw for Adventurers

Water filter

LifeS­traw, svilup­pa­to dalla società con base in Europa, Vester­gaard Frand­sen, è un fil­t

Lady Gaga: a strange 'Edge of Glory' Just after Justin Bieber comes Gaga


Lady Gaga: a strange 'Edge of Glory'

Just after Justin Bieber comes Gaga

Lady Gaga vomits live on stage, during the track 'Edge of Glory', in Barcelona.

Lady Gaga, Terry and Donatella Some hot pictures from the tour


Lady Gaga, Terry and Donatella

Some hot pictures from the tour

Lady Gaga è stata a Milano il 2 ottobre per il Born This Way Ball Tour, ed anche ospite in casa Versace

Justin Bieber pukes on stage Milk was a bad choice...Lol


Justin Bieber pukes on stage

"Milk was a bad choice...Lol"

Durante lo show inaugurale del suo Tour Believe a Glendale, Arizona, Justin Bieber si ferma per pochi minuti, si accascia sul palco, e vomita! Povero Justin, sembra che un bicchiere di latte freddo appena prima di anda

Tumblr of the Century - Champagne Facials Girls just wanna have fun


Tumblr of the Century - Champagne Facials

Girls just wanna have fun

Appena lo abbiamo scoperto, la nostra solita rubrica Tumblr of the week è diventata, per tutto il secolo corrente, Tumblr of the century, perchè non so voi, ma noi troviamo geniale questo blog e di altiss

Gareth Pugh alias Diane Pernet


Gareth Pugh alias Diane Pernet

Gareth Pugh, woman spring/summer 2013Paris Fashion Week Day 2

Jelly Kane


Jelly Kane

Christopher Kane's spring/summer 2013 pink detail overlapping a jelly fish.




Garrone's Reality is gonna be out on 27th september 2012.

It's Fashion Week!


It's Fashion Week!

Garance Doré's 'Pardon My French / Anna Dello Russo'

Ballinciaga Harlem


Ballinciaga Harlem

via interviewmag on instagram

Sci-fi Butterfly


Sci-fi Butterfly

Mary Katrantzou spring/summer 2013The xx, Coexist

Rock Me Baby


Rock Me Baby

Fabien Verschaere's table footballParis Design Week 

Chris Brown has Rihanna on his neck


Chris Brown has Rihanna on his neck

La foto di Rihanna picchiata dal fidanzato Chris Brow fece il giro del web e provocò un grande scalpore. L'episodio si riapre oggi con Chris Brown che si presenta con Rihanna tumefatta tatuata sul collo..ve

Jeremy Scott's Love Letter


Jeremy Scott's Love Letter

Jeremy Scott referring to his Spring/Summer 2013 collection: 'This is a Love letter to Middle East'.M.I.A is gonna be

Nss loves the 90's - Your children will never know...


Nss loves the 90's - Your children will never know...

Nss Loves the 90's...Your children will never know the relationship between a music cassette and a pencil.