



Smile. Forever.

The laughing cow


The laughing cow

Winner design by Aurore Brunet for "THE LAUGHING COW'S 90th anniversary" international contest hosted by Designboom in collaboration with "LA VACHE QUI RIT".See




“It is surprising how logos can influence other logos. The truth is that each pair of rivals has something in common, that something which has helped them to build one identity upon the other, this way becoming t

Into the wild


Into the wild

Via Yoshiko Ueda

The smoke kill you


The smoke kill you

VIA Friek Janssens

Disarticolation: Gagosian gallery

Art & Design

Disarticolation: Gagosian gallery

A confronto due città, due megalopoli: Londra e Parigi. 

Glastonbury 2010 by Matt Needle


Glastonbury 2010 by Matt Needle

"A Pretty open brief for this project, So I decided as it was the fortieth Anniversary of Glastonbury Festival to Include the four (or so) bands from each year and create a typographic design.It almost creates a sort of pattern effect, whi

Everything's fine


Everything's fine

Kerr Vernon's poster. 

George Dawe ne sarebbe disgustato?

Art & Design

George Dawe ne sarebbe disgustato?

George Dawe fù un artista ritrattista britannico che dipinse ben 329 quadri, raffiguranti generali russi dell'epoca Napoleonica. Tutt'ora i quadri sono esposti al museo Hermitage di San Pietroburgo, mentre alcuni sono custoditi "a

Design e contemporaneit

Art & Design

Design e contemporaneit

Ebbene si, la nuova stazione della metropolitana "Università", la prima delle 5 nuove stazioni della linea 1, esprime in tutto e per tutto il carattere eclettico e dinamico del designer anglo-egiziano che, con l