
Kanye West Vs. Michael Jackson About music and lifestyle


Kanye West Vs. Michael Jackson

About music and lifestyle

Increasingly important statements for Kanye West, in fact in the vicinity of a new collection (!?), a capsule (!?) or just the clothes for his next tour, perhaps he doesn't wh

Miley Cyrus at Saturday Night Live We can't stop parody and much more


Miley Cyrus at Saturday Night Live

We can't stop parody and much more

Taking over the Saturday Night Live platform as both host and performer, Miley Cyrus put herself in the hot seat

Miley Cyrus poses nude again Terry Richardson's diary


Miley Cyrus poses nude again

Terry Richardson's diary

The output video of colleagues must have worried the young Miley, who recently nudity and hot talent shows has made it his trademark, putting aside his alter ego Hannah Montana. Here are the shot

Instagram of the week - Incredibeard Multitasking Beard


Instagram of the week - Incredibeard

Multitasking Beard

Instagram is the social of the moment, easy and fast, allowing anyone to feel a skilled photographer with a series of moves immediate. But if you are careful and picky here also be able to find somet

Waiting for The Walking Dead October 14th restart


Waiting for The Walking Dead

October 14th restart

Really miss slightly debut of the fourth season of the show branded AMC, which airs in the U.S. October 13, and Italy on the 14th, on Fox. Here are some rumors about the first few episodes and the latest addition to the cast. Also this season, the

Miley Cyrus - The Movement documentary 10 things to watch for


Miley Cyrus - The Movement documentary

10 things to watch for

We gave the farewell to the naive Disney starlet, become in a blink of an eye the outrageous popstar, long ago. Needless to remind you her last performance at the M

Tumblr of the week - Hot Girls Ugly Faces How to ruining your reputation in a few moves


Tumblr of the week - Hot Girls Ugly Faces

How to ruining your reputation in a few moves

More than a tumblr is a fan page, which is all the rage on Facebook, Hot Girls Ugly Faces is a container of photographs of large pussies and some less so, before they try to shoot herself in a good pose, and for some even sexy, but then will try a

The Top 10 Teen Idol 80'90' Che fine hanno fatto?


The Top 10 Teen Idol 80'90'

Che fine hanno fatto?

10 . SASHA MITCHELLBorn in 1967 born in Los Angeles , 20 years has been the preferred model by

Cool chit chat - Don't be shy Private letter by Angelina Jolie


Cool chit chat - Don't be shy

Private letter by Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie decide di combattere a carte scoperte. Il mondo delle star è una dimensione parallela, fatta di party e spensieratezza. Non è cool parlare dei problemi. Finalmente una voce fuori dal coro: il 14 maggio il New York Time

Tumblr of the week - textastrophe Don't leave your phone number anywhere


Tumblr of the week - textastrophe

Don't leave your phone number anywhere

 La prossima volta che lasciate il vostro numero in giro pubblicamente pensateci due volte, infatti è nato un tumblr dove ogni numero di telefono, relativo a case, lavori domestici, ripetizioni, perizie, servizi a domicilio, vi

From China with Love - The beginning An Italian guy lands to Shanghai


From China with Love - The beginning

An Italian guy lands to Shanghai

COME STAI ?Bene mamma, bene, tutto come al solito, tutto talmente grande da far sembrare tutto molto piccolo, di “Western style” c'è sempre poco ma, tutto sommato non posso lamentarmi.Sono partito da poco pi&ugra

The Iron Station from Quirky Shirts aren't a problem


The Iron Station from Quirky

Shirts aren't a problem

Quanti di noi hanno desiderato andare a vivere da soli, essere indipendenti, fare le 8 del mattino tutti i weekend e lasciare calzini sporchi ovunque? Ebbene si ne siamo tanti, ma poi quando questo sogno si è materializzato, avete mai senti

Kablaze is a new D-Mag Developed by NssFactory


Kablaze is a new D-Mag

Developed by NssFactory

Diamo il benvenuto a un nuovo Magazine di Lifestyle e Tech, prodotto dalla più grande azienda di ANTIVIRUS del mondo, KASPERSKY, e diretto da uno dei Bl

Spring breakers coming soon This is the american dream


Spring breakers coming soon

This is the american dream

Sesso, droga e rock'n'roll è per molti sinonimo di sregolatezza, anticonformismo, rottura con la morale corrente, lo era negli anni settanta, lo è ancora adesso per molti individui che adottano questo sti

Grand Theft Auto V slitta al 17 Settembre 2013 Lo comunica su Facebook


Grand Theft Auto V slitta al 17 Settembre 2013

Lo comunica su Facebook

Doveva essere la Primavera di GTA 5, invece pochi minuti fà, la Rockstar Games, casa produttrice di GTA, lancia un comunicato sulla propria pagina fan, scusandosi con i fedelissimi clienti del gioco e informando tutti che l'uscita ufficiale

Top 10 Worst X-Mas Photos - Part 3 Say Cheese!!


Top 10 Worst X-Mas Photos - Part 3

Say Cheese!!

No matter how cool you think you are, you've had to pose at some point with your family for a terrible christmas photo... by the tree... at the local photo studio... wherever. Just be grateful that your family photos aren't pictured here...

 Top 10 Worst X-Mas Photos - Part 2 Say Cheese!!


Top 10 Worst X-Mas Photos - Part 2

Say Cheese!!

No matter how cool you think you are, you've had to pose at some point with your family for a terrible christmas photo... by the tree... at the local photo studio... wherever. Just be grateful that your family photos aren't pictured here...

Royal parents to-be Congrats William and Kate


Royal parents to-be

Congrats William and Kate

Bingo! il bambino d'oro è in arrivo ! Così ha annunciato St James Palace, residenza ufficiale dei principi, dopo un ricovero post nausee mattutine della Duchessa. Per la coppia da favola Disney "e vissero