
Rihanna Becomes Latest Target of Nude Photo Leak Scandal  Celebrity nude photos leaked online - Part 2


Rihanna Becomes Latest Target of Nude Photo Leak Scandal

Celebrity nude photos leaked online - Part 2

Scandals are everywhere, everyday, some of them born and die in the same day, others seem to continue forever.The second round of the nude scandal that has envolved many stars is started, and on the ring we have also Kim Kardashian, 

Booty by J.Lo and Iggy Azalea new video, new gifs.


Booty by J.Lo and Iggy Azalea

new video, new gifs.

Size zero models ride in Milan and Complex magazine  improves your day with the GIFs of Booty Video signed by  J.Lo and Iggy Azalea.

Affligem Momentum Shooting with Giovanni Gastel Video Teaser Backstage


Affligem Momentum Shooting with Giovanni Gastel

Video Teaser Backstage

Affligem is one of the oldest and most recognized Belgian abbey beers. Since 1074, the year of his birth, his taste handed down an old t

Jimmy Kimmel successfully trolls Fashion Week again Lie Witness News


Jimmy Kimmel successfully trolls Fashion Week again

Lie Witness News

If you go to the New York Fashion Week you will put attention to fraudsters journalists, Jimmy Kimmel first.

Nicki Minaj Teaches Alexander Wang Models The Choreography From Anaconda  New York Fashion Week


Nicki Minaj Teaches Alexander Wang Models The Choreography From Anaconda

New York Fashion Week

Nicki Minaj has infected everyone with her hit & viral song ‘Anaconda’, and I mean really everyone. Even Alexander Wan

Top 5 School Movies Give me Five


Top 5 School Movies

Give me Five

The infinite summer, the one that lasted three months, made of sun umbrellas, Winner Taco and Bay Watch before going to the seaside, ended long ago.The dream of "doing nothing" for such a long time has been replaced by a few weeks

Happy BDay Queen B


Happy BDay Queen B

Today Beyoncè turns 33 and we would like to make her very special greetings. We turned the internet inside out like a sock and discovered that people madly love her ... and we too!&nbs

GQ Has Declared Kim Kardashian the Woman of the Year


GQ Has Declared Kim Kardashian the Woman of the Year

 Kanye West  will have problems with his hypothetical jealos rage, due to the prize that his love has won, 

Burning Man 2014 Coachella is the past


Burning Man 2014

Coachella is the past

Now take your "to do list" and add Burning Man 2015 at point 1. When Americans are organizing a festivalthey exagerate, we would like to go to  Coachella few months ago, now we

Land Rover Discovery Sport #ReadyToDiscover


Land Rover Discovery Sport


Land Rover introduces the premium compact SUV segment more versatile and capable. His bold and contemporary design sets the new Discovery family.  The new

Kanye West Previews New Song “Awesome”  on ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’


Kanye West Previews New Song “Awesome”

on ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’

After that he have offered to his friends a taste of his new song at a party organized last may, Kanye West gives to his lover and her programme  ‘Keeping up whit the

Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton Among Celebrity Nude Photos Leaked Online One of the greatest scandals of the network


Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton Among Celebrity Nude Photos Leaked Online

One of the greatest scandals of the network

It 'was a busy night that just passed for many of the most famous star of Hollywood, a nightmare that promises to be "one of the greatest scandals of the network in recent times." A hacker breached the archives of actresses and models

Hello Kitty isn't actually a cat Shocking news


Hello Kitty isn't actually a cat

Shocking news

Hello Kitty is not a cat.She' s Kitty White, a young English girl, daughter of George and Mary, is the sign of Scorpio, loves apple pies, attends the third grade, has a twin si

Instagram Introduces Hyperlapse for Capturing Time-Lapse Videos  Hyperlapse is here


Instagram Introduces Hyperlapse for Capturing Time-Lapse Videos

Hyperlapse is here

Instagram introduces Hyperlapse from Instagram, an independent app that allows you to easily create and share time-lapse video directly from your iphone, hours of footage concen

Bear Grylls becomes global ambassador for Land Rover  #ReadyToDiscover


Bear Grylls becomes global ambassador for Land Rover


The British ace adventure Bear Grylls was appointed ambassador global long-term Land Rover and take part in the launch of the new Above and Beyond" by Land Rover, having cli

MTV Video Music Awards 2014 Performances Recap In GIFs Mostly Beyonce and Nicki.


MTV Video Music Awards 2014 Performances Recap In GIFs

Mostly Beyonce and Nicki.

MTV VMA 2014 gave us a lot of performance and outfits are difficult to forget. Beyoncé, wrapped in a body that resembled a mosaic, was one of the most anticipated and star on stage

Ice Bucket Challenge best performance  Fun for donations


Ice Bucket Challenge best performance

Fun for donations

More than $ 62 million in America. More than 185,000 euro in Italy. These are the objective facts of the charity moved by the new trend of the web. Ice bucked Challenge, a challenge to the last water bomb. Th

Girls of Summer Summer breeze


Girls of Summer

Summer breeze

Everyday we will pick the picture of a beauty queen to celebrate summer.Follow our instagram account! @nssmagazine

Robin Williams is dead at the age of 63 A comic genius


Robin Williams is dead at the age of 63

A comic genius

Returning from one of those evenings that I covet throughout the year: a stroll on the promenade, the street vendors, the smell of caramelized sugar and drink in the old town with one of the best friends ever. A last look at Twitte

Apple Hires Former Burberry & Nike Social Media Director Musa Tariq


Apple Hires Former Burberry & Nike Social Media Director

Musa Tariq

Apple continues to aim high. The Cupertino company, in fact, has added an important player in his team: Musa Tariq, new social media director, former head of the social sector of