
The Provincial Aesthetic of 'Summertime' The latest series by Netflix Italia goes back to Federico Moccia and the Adriatic Riviera


The Provincial Aesthetic of 'Summertime'

The latest series by Netflix Italia goes back to Federico Moccia and the "Adriatic Riviera"

I hate summer... sang Bruno Martino back in the Sixties. And on the same notes, here it comes Summertime, the new original series by Netflix Italia.&nb

10 Sneakers for 10 Supercars The perfect match


10 Sneakers for 10 Supercars

The perfect match

Is there a relationship between two product lines as distant as sneakers and supercars?It may seem weird, but more and more oft

What is your post-apocalyptic movie style? Before you find ourselves in a real dystopia, prepare your wardrobe


What is your post-apocalyptic movie style?

Before you find ourselves in a real dystopia, prepare your wardrobe

Back in 1932, one of the greatest geniuses in the history of cinema, the German Fritz Lang, created dystopian cinema in one fell swoop as we know it with his epic silent film Metropolis. Just

Films Are Skipping Their Theatrical Release To End Up In Streaming As 'Bombshell', 'Capone' and 'Favolacce' by D'Innocenzo brothers


Films Are Skipping Their Theatrical Release To End Up In Streaming

As 'Bombshell', 'Capone' and 'Favolacce' by D'Innocenzo brothers

The industry of cinema has been one of the most afflicted by COVID-19: movie theaters and productions are stopped until any further decision, and they will probably be the last activities t

How are the tech giants doing during coronavirus? Extremely well, of course: Facebook, Microsof, Spotify, Amazon and Netflix are gaining value and users


How are the tech giants doing during coronavirus?

Extremely well, of course: Facebook, Microsof, Spotify, Amazon and Netflix are gaining value and users

The coronavirus and quarantine may have triggered a global economic crisis for most physical business, but the same has not happened for digital tech brands that, based on first-quarter budgets, are seeing their shares

Fashion and Design Students Share Their Quarantines and Hopes for the Future COVID-19 Next Creative Voices


Fashion and Design Students Share Their Quarantines and Hopes for the Future

COVID-19 Next Creative Voices

COVID-19 is the first shared experience of the globalized world. Spreading like wildfire all over the world, th

The 5 most unusual collaborations between fashion and cinema From science fiction by Versace to the Milanese bourgeoisie according to Raf Simons


The 5 most unusual collaborations between fashion and cinema

From science fiction by Versace to the Milanese bourgeoisie according to Raf Simons

The best thing about cinema as art is that every detail, from the shots to the set design, communicates a message and all the details gathered contribute to creating a character's identity and telling

Daft Punk To Score The New Dario Argento Film (Or Maybe Not) The Master of Horror returns to cinema with the thriller 'Black Glasses'


Daft Punk To Score The New Dario Argento Film (Or Maybe Not)

The Master of Horror returns to cinema with the thriller 'Black Glasses'

Daft Punk will work on the soundtrack for the latest film by Dario Argento: Black Glasses. The director himself confirmed it during an intervie

Movie street style: ep.1, Quentin Tarantino The best street style from Quentin Tarantino's movies


Movie street style: ep.1, Quentin Tarantino

The best street style from Quentin Tarantino's movies

Quentin Tarantino does not need any introduction: the success of all his films speaks for itself. In his cinema, style and costume design are fundamental. His cha

How could the coronavirus affect our mental health post quarantine?  Tips from an expert on what to expect and be aware of during and after the quarantine


How could the coronavirus affect our mental health post quarantine?

Tips from an expert on what to expect and be aware of during and after the quarantine

The after effects of the current global pandemic could range from minimal to catastrophic. As of late, the majority of the emphasis in the media is being placed on the possibilities of a financial crisis whic

Kodak launches the World's largest puzzle 27 World's wonders comprised in 51.300 pieces


Kodak launches the World's largest puzzle

27 World's wonders comprised in 51.300 pieces

It's almost been 2 months since the beginning of the COVID-19 quarantine and the list of indoor activities is running low. Luckily, Kodak is coming to your relief with the world's largest

The new Audemars Piguet spiral museum on the Swiss Alps  Opening on June 25th, 2020


The new Audemars Piguet spiral museum on the Swiss Alps

Opening on June 25th, 2020

Audemars Piguet has completed the construction of its new museum, designed by Danish architect Bjarke Ingles. The building is located in Switzerland, precise

The future of the Salone del Mobile After the postponement to 2021 of the most important design fair, companies are thinking about their restart


The future of the Salone del Mobile

After the postponement to 2021 of the most important design fair, companies are thinking about their restart

The Salone del Mobile in Milan was due to take place this week (and with it the Fuori Salone), one of the most important fairs of design and furniture, that welcomes over 400 thousand visitors every year. It

What's behind Tesla Cybertruck's design Lotus, Lamborghini and Lancia icons were the inspo for Elon Musk's most ambitious car


What's behind Tesla Cybertruck's design

Lotus, Lamborghini and Lancia icons were the inspo for Elon Musk's most ambitious car

The Cybertruck has quickly captured the attention of the entire world, thanks to its minimalist aesthetics and radically innovative design that make it unique. The unveiling, which took place

How to attend Travis Scott's Fortnite concert First clue: go north of Sweaty Sands


How to attend Travis Scott's Fortnite concert

First clue: go north of Sweaty Sands

Since yesterday, the collaboration between the popular video game Fortnite and Travis Scott has officially opened, starting with a series of challenges within the game and culminating with the rapper's

10 Free Online Courses From Ivy League Universities  Going to Harvard has never been so easy


10 Free Online Courses From Ivy League Universities

Going to Harvard has never been so easy

Ivy League is the title commonly referring to the group of the eight most prestigious universities in the US: Brown, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, Dartmouth, Yale, Columbia and the Uni

Why OnlyFans has become even more popular thanks to coronavirus When porn becomes a source of income


Why OnlyFans has become even more popular thanks to coronavirus

When porn becomes a source of income

In many ways, porn has become a fundamental part of the quarantine experiences of many people. A prime example of this being

Does caring for one's own skin also mean curing one's own anxiety? Psychodermatology has found correlations between well-being from the mind and that of the skin


Does caring for one's own skin also mean curing one's own anxiety?

Psychodermatology has found correlations between well-being from the mind and that of the skin

The skin is the largest organ in our body, alone weighs ten kilos on average, and is also the organ that most characterizes our appearance and our self-image. There is a branch of science, at the inter

IKEA has revealed the secret recipe of its legendary meatballs  How to cook the iconic meatballs at home (and the sauce, too)


IKEA has revealed the secret recipe of its legendary meatballs

How to cook the iconic meatballs at home (and the sauce, too)

Going to IKEA doesn't just mean that you need a new set of pencils. In the last 20 years, IKEA has become more like a playground, the ideal place to spend a Sunday with your family and have fun wh