The first week of September is the most melancholy time of the year: the sunlight fades towards autumn, the swimsuits give way to clothes and the smell of salt is replaced by the one of the city.Summer 2020 was the most It
From 2010 to today Twitter has been cross and delight for Kanye West and his fans, the place where the Chicago rapper has always expressed himsel
After weeks spent wandering through the most evocative and fascinating places in Italy, rediscovering that much loved Mediterranean aesthetic, nss magazine has reached the final stop of its journey. We have been to
According to a recent survey conducted by Business Insider, Generation Z’s shopping hab
A few days ago, the New York Times published a short editorial by
A few days ago African surf brand Mami Wata launched a project on Kickstarter
According to what he said on his Twitter profile, Elon Musk is about to present to the world the fir
Just a mere two months after what The New York Times described as the world’s largest movement in U.S history, where crowds from all over the world including Italy took to the streets to ma
A few days after debuting the new catalogue set in the world of Animal Crossing,
Over the last few years, the automotive industry has embraced a trend that has prompted several brands to
The world of technology has always witnessed battles between companies and brands in eternal competition to grab the last slice of the market. A tradition born with the struggle of home video be
After having welcomed on its platform the world of fashion and put together
During these summer weeks, nss magazine has travelled to the rediscovery of the Mediterranean aesthetics in all its forms, from
After Sicily, Liguria and Puglia
Last February, at Paris Fashion Week, on the catwalk of the Off White FW20 fa
In nss magazine's journey to the discovery of the Mediterranean aesthetic time has come to land in Puglia, after the first two stops in
A few weeks after the return of the Brutale 1000 RR, MV Agusta
In the era of 8K smartphones, shooting with an analog camera to many may seem like a paradox. Yet, in recent times there are more and more people who are rediscovering the pleasure of slownes
The rise of Jay-Z and his Roc Nation continues, which after putting their eyes on European football has entered into an agreement with