
Rita Ora by Terry Richardson terry's diary


Rita Ora by Terry Richardson

terry's diary

Rita Ora continues to be talked about with its constant provocations, here she is now immortalized in the American study by Terry Richardson who portrays the singer in sexy poses covered in ski

Tumblr of the week - porn hub comments on stock photos Not only sex


Tumblr of the week - porn hub comments on stock photos

Not only sex

Pornhub comments paired with random stock photos of dudes in front of their computers make for a more than hilarious outcome, this is 

Olivia Locher documents america's most bizarre laws I fought the law

Art & Design

Olivia Locher documents america's most bizarre laws

I fought the law

Che i sistemi giuridici e parlamentari, soprattutto italiani, presentino contraddizioni e falle a discapito di noi 'poracci' è risaputo, ma che delle leggi siano tanto assurde e ridicole tanto da sembrar redatte da un gruppo di tossici in preda a un trip, di certo non può lasciare indifferenti, e gli americani sono dei veri esperti in materia.La fotografa Olivia Locher realizza un servizio fotografico dove rende visibile, quasi in forma dimostrativa, il contenuto di alcune di queste bizzarre leggi:  In Arizona non si possono avere più di due dildo in una casa.

Mara as Muse Bags A project by Mario Vespasiani

Art & Design

Mara as Muse Bags

A project by Mario Vespasiani

A muse who inspires an artistic process , which produces images , works and baggage to carry with you : the collection of handbags Mario Vespasiani is comparable to a collection of abstract paintings , the elements of

Katy Perry Is Secretly Katy Keene similarity


Katy Perry Is Secretly Katy Keene


 Katy Keene is a comic book character created by Bill Woggon and published since 1945 by Archie Comics. Katy is a model, actress and singer known as the "Queen of Pin-Up and Fashion." You may wonder why you're talking about t

Rihanna Goes Fully Topless For Cover Of 'Lui' Magazine shoot by Mario Sorrenti


Rihanna Goes Fully Topless For Cover Of 'Lui' Magazine

shoot by Mario Sorrenti

A topless shots and transparencies Rihanna has managed, once again, to attirrare the attention on himself. In these shots we see the protagonist of service - masterfully directed - by phot

L'arte fiamminga stilizzata di Nathalia Edenmont

Art & Design

L'arte fiamminga stilizzata

di Nathalia Edenmont

The revolution of classic portraits of three-quarters of madonnas and fifteenth-century Flemish still lifes , through a modern reinterpretation and that has its roots in a consumer society and a bit shameless in making

Catable La scrivania/tunnel pensata per i gatti

Art & Design


La scrivania/tunnel pensata per i gatti

For those who can not come off even while working from their own furry friend, here is the solution: The work surface conceals a route designed for cats. Not by chance is called CATable the table with tu

Ideal Boutique Hotel in Malaysia by Karim Rashid

Art & Design

Ideal Boutique Hotel in Malaysia

by Karim Rashid

Karim Rashid is one of the most famous designers of recent times, a true visionary artist a little bit , that is radically changing the aesthetics of produ

Leader politici omofobi ritratti come Drag Queens Saint Hoax as POPlitical artist

Art & Design

Leader politici omofobi ritratti come Drag Queens

Saint Hoax as POPlitical artist

Some politicians have been and are currently being, a real scourge to humanity, and have made choices and imposed conditions precluding the free will of others, freedom of thought and hence the spontaneous expression o

Retro Visual Collages by Julien Pacaud Surreal stile

Art & Design

Retro Visual Collages by Julien Pacaud

Surreal stile

French artist and illustrator Julien Pacaud declares his love of time travel and vintage imagery through surreal, alternate worlds that emerge from a variety o

1968 Radical Italian Furniture The latest project by Cattelan & Ferrari

Art & Design

1968 Radical Italian Furniture

The latest project by Cattelan & Ferrari

He announced his retirement from the art world in 2011 with a retrospective at the Guggenheim in New York, but since then, Master Cattelan  has churned out (lucky us!) a project after anothe

Le ragazze del porno Il porno è una grande forza liberatoria che la maggior parte delle donne nega


Le ragazze del porno

Il porno è una grande forza liberatoria che la maggior parte delle donne nega

Porn and women. We've always imagined together , of course. But the point of view was that of a man, youporn and submission.In 2014, twelve women Italian directors from 25 to 70 come into play. With a healthy desire for renewal , tread in

#Aftersex Il Selfie dopo il sesso



Il Selfie dopo il sesso

Instagram ha un protagonista indiscusso: il selfie, selfie e ancora