
FKA TWIGS - Fabrique #C2C15  Reportage by nssmag


FKA TWIGS - Fabrique #C2C15

Reportage by nssmag

If you need more proof that FKA Twigs is the coolest person ever, then spend the next three minutes watching our reportage about last night.  [img]fka-1-20150310261410.gif

Comforter by Petra Collins Exhibition at SFAQ from March 13 ti April 11

Art & Design

Comforter by Petra Collins

Exhibition at SFAQ from March 13 ti April 11

From being artist to being curator, Petra Collins, multifaceted personality and multitasking, is struggling with an exhibition, “Comforter&rdq

The broken society by Urban Artist Soap and Setka

Art & Design

The broken society

by Urban Artist Soap and Setka

The Polish artist Setka show his first piece of a series of 8 (currently "work in progress") entitled Broken Society, with an image of a homeless and a vision of how our society today see these people in our roads.The