nss magazine is a newspaper registered in 2022 and born in 2012 as an evolution of the blog
nss magazine is a reference point in Europe for communities and fans of fashion and current culture.
The goal of nss magazine is to make streetwear culture accessible, with content ranging from investigative
journalism to guides for discovering fashion trends. nss has over time become a digital ecosystem that
includes nss sports, dedicated to the culture and aesthetics of soccer, and nss g-club, which explores the beauty world.
Walter D’Aprile
Head of Editorial Content
Fashion Market Editor & Producer
Project Manager & Producer
Project Manager
Junior Producer
Editor-at-Large & Founder MQBMBQ
Fashion and Culture Editor
Fashion Editor
News and Culture Editor
Data Editor & Media Strategist
Head of Social Media
Social Media Editor
Social Media Editor
Social Media Editor
Graphic Designer
Project Manager & Editor
Social Media Manager & Editor
News Editor
Project Manager & Social Media Manager
nss magazine srls
© 2022 nss magazine testata giornalistica
registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano.
Aut. n° 77 del 13/5/2022